The Richest People On The Planet 2016

 The Richest People On The Planet 2016

 1 Bill Gates

first place is for bill gates like all the time number one in the world with The World's Billionaires

$78.6 Billion

Amancio Ortega

the seconde of  the list in forbes is Amancio Ortega  with

 $76.5 Billion

Warren Buffett

the fourth is one of men that they worked very hard with clever to succes and now is one of top 5 of heyest payement with 

$66.8 Billion

Carlos Slim Helu

a mexican people he work on  telecome*/ and self made

with $52.2 Billion

in 20/08/2016
5  Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos he has the number one of  sites who can buy and sell any think yuou want mashing smartphone cars ...etc name ''amazon'' 

he have 

$45.2 Billion

and in 20/08/2016 he have $65.5 Billion

 this liste it's frome forbes not for me ...

finally i want to all of you become one of this liste like what i want and what i like to want but we have to work hard to succes all men in this liste success with hard work not all the time sleeping ........

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