There is in our world today, approximately 180 recognized currency, Including currencies don't used by any country, such as Panama. Or the country do not have the local currency trading, such as Palestine and Zimbabwe.
The Currency, like any other commodity or goods, has a price depends on supply and demand for its size.Currency exchange business operations between different countries affected by the prices.
We study this work to figure out the cheapest 10 currencies in the world:
10- Cambodian Riyal (KHR)
Today if you traveled to Cambodia will be dealing in cash in US dollars. While the rest is used riyal for purchases Statistics.
01 $ = 4050 KHR
09- Sierra Leonean Leone (SLL)
Sierra Leone's economy is weaker than 50 economies in the world. Despite the richness of the country's natural resources such as gold and diamonds.
01 $ = 5570 SLL
08- Ghorani - Paraguay (PYG)
Paraguay is one of the last South American economies to grow up, As a result of the relative isolation and lack of census, Its economy relies mostly on agriculture.
01$ = 5530 PYG
07- Guinean franc (GNF)
Amazing to see a country like Guinea occupies position 145 among 189 countries in the World Bank's classification in terms of GDP. that because Its richness in natural resources exceptionally.
Guinea holds a quarter of the world's reserves of bauxite metal (which is made of aluminum), As well as a million tons of iron ore, In addition to huge stocks of diamonds and gold in unlimited quantities of uranium.
01$ = 7350 GNF
06- Cape Laos (LAK)
Strange that Cape Laos trading are still limited remains until today in everyday business transactions. While residents are treated the Thai Baht in US dollars.
01$ = 8100 LAK
05- Indonesian Rupee (IDR)
Imagine yourself Indonesian citizen watching such horrific image, you need more than 13 thousand rupees to receive the equivalent of US $01!
01$= 13200 IDR
04- Ruble Belarus (BYR)
Before 2000s. Ruble had recorded a high score in the value of the unit of currency, but now the currency has down quickly.
01$ = 20100 BYR
03- Dung Vietnamese (VND)
Naming dong to the Chinese currency, which was used during the Vietnam the fact that part of the empire of China. In the vernacular language referred to name of any currency by DUNG, sach as the American people called Dollar currency by DUNG as well.
01$ = 22300 VND
02-Dorba Sao Tome and Principe (STD)
This is the country discovered by Portugal in 1470, The second smallest African country after the Seychelles Island. The country consists of two islands in the Gulf of Guinea, And inhabited by less than two hundred thousand people.After independence was put Dorba as a local currency of the country and It has been linked by Euro.
01 $ = 21900 STD
01- Iranian Riyal (IRR)
IRR is the cheapest currency in the world today at all.
In 1957, the riyal's peg to the dollar for the first time deal worth 75 riyals to the dollar. At this moment, the US dollar today formally equivalent to more than 30 thousand Iranian Riyal
01$ = 30000 IRR
Although the currency price index in the economic situation. But it should be noted that the increase or decrease of the exchange rate does not necessarily mean growth or decline in the actual country's economic growth rate.
A country like Japan, although it has the third largest gross domestic product in the production of the world, However, the US dollar equivalent of 122 Yen.....
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