Which one is highest-paid men or women on developed countries

Which one is highest-paid men or women on developed countries

many people in the world worked ... but like me i want to know whop's highest-paid witch one is top than the oder are women or men ??? 
so a study of more than  4k Factor australian wortk in 800 compagne said that no body neither men or women order about upgrading or increasing him earning....
but we talking in this article about who have more than the order who is it ???
The men earn more than woman because lot of Reasons 
like :  they can worked all the time night winter but women no ... she can't worked up 23:00 pm..
another reason men can worked in many plce to increqse him earning ...
another reason
look at here 
the highest-paid actor in the world 
and look at here
the highest-paid actress in the world
so you see the deffrent between them 
compagne like facebook amazon avazu alibaba ebay and lot of them the CEO was men...
i don't said that because i am man hhhh but also women have many achievement in the world about paying now men but really really any one can't predict who will be best than the oder ..so both of them important for the world...

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